Troop Library
- Ceremonies
- Cooking
- General Troop Files
- Clothing Order Form
- Equipment Sign Out
- Family Survey
- Flyers
- Games
- Outdoor Code
- Scout Vesper
- Snow Shoveling
- 2014-01-14 troop guide book.pdf
- bsaGames.pdf
- ClothingOrderForm.pdf
- familySurvey.pdf
- otherGames.pdf
- Outdoor_Code.pdf
- pACKING.xls
- Pancakes-Recip1.pdf
- Scout_Vespers.pdf
- Snow-shoveling.pdf
- Troop 125 Program Planning 2013.ppt
- Troop_125_Description.pdf
- Troop_125_Scouting_for_Food_Drive.pdf
- troop_committee_guidebook.pdf
- troop_guide_book_2010.pdf
- Welcome to Troop 125.docx
- Images
- MeritBadgeImages
- American-Business.gif
- American-Cultures.gif
- American-Heritage.gif
- American-Labor.gif
- American_Business.gif
- American_Business2.gif
- American_Cultures.gif
- American_Heritage.gif
- American_Labor.gif
- Animal-Science.gif
- Animal_Science.gif
- Annual-Retreat-Rockville-Center.gif
- Archaeology.gif
- Archery.gif
- Architecture.gif
- Art.gif
- Astronomy.gif
- Athletics.gif
- Automotive-Maintenance.gif
- Automotive-Maintenance.jpg
- Automotive_Maintenance.gif
- Automotive_Maintenance.jpg
- Aviation.gif
- Backpacking.gif
- Basketry.gif
- Bird-Study.gif
- Bird_Study.gif
- Bugling.gif
- Camping.gif
- Canoeing.gif
- Chemistry.gif
- Chess.gif
- Cinematography.gif
- Citizenship-in-the-Nation.gif
- Citizenship-in-the-World.gif
- Citizenship_in_the_Community.gif
- Citizenship_in_the_Nation.gif
- Citizenship_in_the_World.gif
- Climbing.gif
- Coin_Collecting.gif
- Collections.gif
- Communications.gif
- Composite-Materials.gif
- Composite_Materials.gif
- Computers.gif
- Cooking.gif
- Crime_Prevention.gif
- Cycling.gif
- Dentistry.gif
- Disabilities_Awareness.gif
- Dog_Care.gif
- Drafting.gif
- Electricity.gif
- Electronics.gif
- Emergency-Preparedness.gif
- Emergency_Preparedness.gif
- Energy.gif
- Engineering.gif
- Entrepreneurship.gif
- Environmental_Science.gif
- Family_Life.gif
- Farm_Mechanics.gif
- Fingerprinting.gif
- Fire_Safety.gif
- First-aid.gif
- First_Aid.gif
- Fishing.gif
- Fish_and_Wildlife_Management.gif
- Fly_fishing.gif
- Forestry.gif
- Game_Design.jpg
- Game_Design.png
- Gardening.gif
- Genealogy.gif
- Geocaching.gif
- Geology.gif
- Golf.gif
- Graphic_Arts.gif
- Hiking.gif
- Home_Repairs.gif
- Horsemanship.gif
- House_Cleaning-2.gif
- House_Cleaning-3.gif
- House_Cleaning.gif
- Indian_Lore.gif
- Insect_Study.gif
- Internet-Scout-Patch.gif
- Journalism.gif
- Landscape_Architecture.gif
- Law.gif
- leaf-1-1-two.gif
- leaf-1-1.gif
- Leatherwork.gif
- Lifesaving.gif
- Medicine.gif
- Metalwork.gif
- Model_Design_and_Building.gif
- Motorboating.gif
- Music.gif
- Nature.gif
- Nuclear_Science.gif
- Oceanography.gif
- Orienteering.gif
- Painting.gif
- Personal-Fitness.gif
- Personal-Management.gif
- Personal_Fitness.gif
- Personal_Management.gif
- Pets.gif
- Photography.gif
- Pioneering.gif
- Plant-Science.gif
- Plumbing.gif
- pool-2.gif
- pool.gif
- Pottery.gif
- Public-Health.gif
- Public-Speaking.gif
- Pulp_and_Paper.gif
- Radio.gif
- Railroading.gif
- Reading.gif
- Reptile-and-Amphibian-Study.gif
- Reptile_and_Amphibian_Study.gif
- Rifle_Shooting.gif
- robotics-merit-badge.gif
- Robotics.jpg
- Rowing.gif
- Safety.gif
- Salesmanship.png
- Small_Boat_Sailing.gif
- snow-shoveling-2.gif
- snow-shoveling-web.gif
- snow-shoveling.gif
- Sports.gif
- Patches
- Baiting Hollow Patches
- Barton Patches
- Calverton Patches
- Camporees
- Cub Activities
- Indian Fest Patches
- Jamborees
- Klondike Patches
- Mile Patches
- Other Patches
- Polar Bear Patches
- Popcorn Patches
- Recruiter Patches
- Resica Falls Patches
- Scouting for food Patches
- Scout Sabbath Patches
- Scout Sunday
- Sequassenb Patches
- Settler Patches
- Suffolk County Patches
- Trail Patches
- Treasure Island Patches
- Trexler Patches
- Webelos Woods
- West Point Patches
- Whitewater Rafting Patches
- World Fair Patches
- Thumbs.db
- RankPatches
- Adult Patches
- Leadership Patches
- Other Patches
- Rank Patches
- Eagle Patches
- Eagle-Scout-Patch.gif
- Eagle.gif
- eagle2good.gif
- eagle_89pre.gif
- eagle_5672.gif
- eagle_7275.gif
- eagle_7585.gif
- eagle_8586.gif
- eagle_8689.gif
- eagle_medal-SM-WEB.gif
- eagle_medal-SM.gif
- eagle_medal.gif
- eagle_pre56.gif
- Eagle_Scout_badge_1.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_2.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_3.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_4.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_5.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_6.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_7.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_8.png
- Eagle_Scout_badge_9.png
- EGLBDGE2good.gif
- EGLBDGE2good2.gif
- First Class Patches
- Life Patches
- Scout Patches
- Second Class
- Star Patches
- Tenderfoot Patches
- Eagle Patches
- Spl Patches
- Thumbs.db
- MeritBadgeImages
- Leader Meetings
- LeadershipTraining
- Additional Leadership skills information
- YouTube - Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership_files
- YouTube - First rule of leadership_files
- YouTube - Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits_files
- YouTube - Scrubs - leadership_files
- YouTube - The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus_files
- YouTube - What is Leadership_files
- Leadership Troop Program Features .pdf
- YouTube - Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership.htm
- YouTube - First rule of leadership.htm
- YouTube - Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits.htm
- YouTube - Scrubs - leadership.htm
- YouTube - The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus.htm
- YouTube - What is Leadership.htm
- Bugler
- Intro to Troop Leadership
- Alternate ppt for ILST.ppt
- ILST (2012).pptx
- ILST FINALS 2011 - syllabus.pdf
- Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (2014).pptx
- Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops 2015-updated.pptx
- Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops 2015.pptx
- Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops 2018.pptx
- leadershipcards.pdf
- troop.pdf
- Leadership
- Youtube
- YouTube - Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership_files
- YouTube - First rule of leadership_files
- YouTube - Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits_files
- YouTube - Scrubs - leadership_files
- YouTube - The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus_files
- YouTube - What is Leadership_files
- YouTube - Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership.htm
- YouTube - First rule of leadership.htm
- YouTube - Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits.htm
- YouTube - Scrubs - leadership.htm
- YouTube - The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus.htm
- YouTube - What is Leadership.htm
- YouTube - Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership_files
- YouTube - First rule of leadership_files
- YouTube - Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits_files
- YouTube - Scrubs - leadership_files
- YouTube - The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus_files
- YouTube - What is Leadership_files
- Ballots.doc
- Leadership Troop Program Features .pdf
- Thumbs.db
- troop leadership.pdf
- Troop org.ppt
- YouTube - Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership.htm
- YouTube - First rule of leadership.htm
- YouTube - Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits.htm
- YouTube - Scrubs - leadership.htm
- YouTube - The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus.htm
- YouTube - What is Leadership.htm
- Youtube
- Leadership Application
- Previous Versions of Training (Obsolete)
- Troop Organization
- Basic Troop Organization.pptx
- card5.pdf
- Leadership Position Application.doc
- Leadership Position SENIOR PATROL LEADER.doc
- Leadership_Position_Application.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Troop 125 Organization.pdf
- patrol leader your duties.doc
- situations.doc
- TeachingEDGE-Compass-rev1.doc
- Additional Leadership skills information
- Meeting Plans
- Comittee Meetings
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting notes
- Meeting Plans
- 9_20 Meeting Plan.doc
- Meeting Plan .doc
- meeting plan 12_6_11.doc
- meeting plan 12_13_11.doc
- Meeting Plan for 5-19-15.docx
- Meeting Plan for 5-26-15.docx
- Meeting Plans 2-4-14.docx
- Meeting Plans 3-4-14.docx
- Meeting Plans 3-11-14.docx
- Meeting Plans April 1, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans April 8, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans April 29, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans June 3, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans June 10, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans June 24, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans March 4, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans March 11, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans March 18, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans March 25, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans May 6, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans May 13, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans May 20, 2014.docx
- Meeting Plans May 27, 2014.docx
- Meetings
- 2013-11-19-Meeting.docx
- 2013-11-26-Meeting.docx
- 2013-12-03-Meeting.docx
- 2013-12-10-Meeting.docx
- 2014-02-04-Meeting.docx
- 2014-02-11-Meeting.docx
- 2014-02-25-Meeting.docx
- 2014-03-04-Meeting.docx
- 2014-03-11-Meeting.docx
- meeting 1-11-11.doc
- meeting 1-18-11.doc
- meeting 1-25-11.doc
- meeting 3-2-10.doc
- meeting 3-9-10.doc
- meeting 3-16-10.doc
- meeting 3-23-10.doc
- meeting 4-12-11.doc
- meeting 4-20-10.doc
- meeting 4-27-10.doc
- meeting 9-28-11.doc
- meeting 10_18_11.doc
- Meeting 11_5_11.doc
- Meeting 11_15_11.doc
- meeting 11_22_11.doc
- meeting 11_29_11.docx
- meeting 12-14-10.doc
- meeting 12-21-10 party.doc
- meeting plans.doc
- meeting_5-4-10.doc
- meeting_5-11-10.doc
- meeting_5-18-10.doc
- meeting_5-25-10.doc
- meeting_10-12-10.doc
- meeting_10-19-10.doc
- meeting_11-16-10.doc
- meeting_11-23-10.doc
- meeting_11-30-10.doc
- outdoor activity plans.doc
- Troop Meeting Plan.pdf
- 10_7_2014.docx
- 10_14_2014.docx
- 10_21_2014.docx
- 10_28_2014.docx
- 20143416151438192452299921.docx
- April 8 Meeting plans.docx
- Meeting 1-7-14.docx
- Meeting 1-14-14.docx
- Meeting 1-21-14.docx
- Meeting 1-28-14.docx
- meeting and newscout campout
- Meeting Plan 3 4 14.docx
- Meeting Plan 3 11 14.docx
- Meeting Plan 3 25_14.docx
- Meeting Plans 10-1-13.docx
- Meeting Plans 12-10-13.docx
- Meeting Plans 12-17-13.docx
- Meeting Plans April 1, 2014.pdf
- meeting_plans.doc
- trpmeeting_.pdf
- Outings
- Big trips
- Antietam
- Boston
- DC
- Arlington-Map.jpg
- Arlington.doc
- document1.pdf
- Proposed Itinerary Troop 125.doc
- tour_request_adult.pdf
- troop-map-DC-1700x1543.jpg
- troop-map-DC.jpg
- Troop_125_Commack_NY_Map_of_DC.pdf
- Updated Itinerary Troop 125.doc
- Washington Lodging.xls
- Washinton Parental Consent Form.doc
- Washinton Parental Consent Form.pdf
- ~$dated Itinerary Troop 125.doc
- ~$oposed Itinerary Troop 125.doc
- Gettysburg
- Niagra
- Philadelphia
- boston-nps-map[1].pdf
- Map_Florida_SEA_BASE.pdf
- bike hike
- Campouts
- Day trips
- High Adventure
- Summer Camps
- Trails
- 1988_ExploringSunkenForest.pdf
- Ben Franklin Historical Trail.pdf
- bike-trip-Orient-Point.jpg
- ceader-point-bike.jpg
- glacier_ridge_west-east.pdf
- North Lake trail guide.pdf
- Palisades-map.pdf
- Palisades_Tr.pdf
- Philadelphia Freedom Trail.pdf
- Rocky-Pt-Bike-Map.pdf
- rocky_point_black.pdf
- rphiking.pdf
- rpmtbike.pdf
- Scouting Around.docx
- Stillwell-Woods-Map.pdf
- West Hills map.pdf
- west_point_map.pdf
- woodlandvalley070610.pdf
- Water Trips
- Outings_for_Scouting_bookfold_format.pdf
- Outings_for_Scouting_fullpage_format.pdf
- Philadelphia Trip 2015.ppt
- Trip Planning Template.doc
- where to go.pdf
- Big trips
- Presentations
- Business
- Gordon Gekko Greed is Good - Video_files
- amv_naruto_godsmack_greed.jpg
- Branded
- daniel_garcia_greed.jpg
- Externals
- fred_l_smith_is_greed_good.jpg
- Global
- Global.css
- godsmack_greed.jpg
- greed_animated_short_film.jpg
- greed_a_soul_shrinking_vice.jpg
- greed_is_good_speech.jpg
- greed_preview.jpg
- hunter_x_hunter_greed_island_op.jpg
- income_greed_is_a_scam.jpg
- Item
- Item.css
- just_you_and_i_greed_wayne_feat_c3.jpg
- lg.gif
- name_that_tune_heart_of_greed_forensic_heroes.jpg
- PencilShareBlack.jpg
- quant.js
- scissor_productions_vengeance_of_the_greed.jpg
- spirituality_greed_is_the_root_of_sin.jpg
- TheFilterIntegration.js
- the_destructive_nature_of_greed.jpg
- us.gif
- wallstreetgekko.jpg
- wcw_greed_stacy_shawn_stasiak_isle_entrances.jpg
- YouTube - Booya with Jim Cramer_files
- Business Program Features.pdf
- Gordon Gekko Greed is Good - Video.htm
- YouTube - Booya with Jim Cramer.htm
- Gordon Gekko Greed is Good - Video_files
- Cultrual Awareness
- Emergency Prepardness
- Maps
- Water Safety
- History of Animation.ppt
- leave no trace.ppt
- Leave_No_Trace_While_Backpacking_Black_Dome_2015.pptx
- lnt.pdf
- Winter Camping Presentation.pptx
- Business
- Program
- Plans
- Meeting Plan 03_06_12.doc
- Meeting Plan 03_13_12.docx
- Meeting Plan 03_20_12.docx
- Meeting Plan 03_27_12.docx
- Meeting Plan 04_17_12.doc
- Meeting Plan 05_01_12.doc
- Meeting Plan 05_15_12.doc
- Meeting Plan 05_22_12.doc
- Meeting Plan 06_05_12.doc
- Meeting Plan 06_12_12.doc
- Meeting Plan 06_19_12.doc
- November 13th Meeting Plan.doc
- November 20th Meeting Plan.doc
- October 9th Meeting Plan.doc
- October 16th Meeting Plan.doc
- October 23rd Meeting Plan.doc
- October 30th Meeting Plan.doc
- swim night
- History of Animation.ppt
- Outing Plan.pdf
- Outing Plan.xls
- TopoMaps.ppt
- TPF Activity Index.pdf
- TPF Chapter Index.pdf
- Troop Program Features Vol.1.pdf
- Troop Program Features Vol .2.pdf
- Troop Program Features Vol.3.pdf
- Troop Program Resousres2.pdf
- Troop Program Resousres_.pdf
- Winter Camping Presentation.pptx
- Plans
- Scoutmaster Minute
- A Scout is Trustworthy.docx
- A young Indian boy dreamed that he climbed a great mountain.docx
- Climbing the Mountain.doc
- Do you know how to catch a monkey.doc
- Eagle Begining not End.doc
- FLAG DAY.doc
- Great Leaders .doc
- JASM.pdf
- Scoutmaster.doc
- Scouts.docx
- Sean I would like to share with you.doc
- SM Keystone.doc
- sm minute.doc
- SM Organized Chaos.doc
- Take a look at this wheel.doc
- The First Thanksgiving.doc
- The History Of Flag Day.doc
- The Left hand shake goes way back to the origins of Scouting.docx
- There is a story of a grandfather of one of the Scouts visiting a Troop.doc
- Tonight we spoke of favorite memories of our newest Eagle Scout.doc
- Well.doc
- When a Scout becomes an Eagle Scout he.docx
- Summer Camp
- Camp Barton
- Camping Checklists
- Images
- Troop Photos
- 1-Baiting-Hollow-1976.jpg
- 1-Baiting-Hollow-1976sm-web.jpg
- 1a_-Baiting-Hollow-1900.jpg
- 2-Yawgoog-1988.jpg
- 2.jpg
- 3-Camp-Trexler-1989.jpg
- 4-Camp-Trexler-1992.jpg
- 5-Yawgoog-1993.jpg
- 6-a-Baiting-Hollow-1993.jpg
- 6-Baiting-Hollow-1994.jpg
- 7-Camp-Trexler-1995.jpg
- 8-TREASURE_ISLAND-1996.jpg
- 9-Camp-Trexler-1997.jpg
- 10-Camp-Trexler-1999.jpg
- 11-Camp_Walpominee-1998.jpg
- 13-TREASURE_ISLAND_2000.jpg
- 14-Ten_Mile_Scout_Camp-2001.jpg
- 15-Camp-Trexler-2003.jpg
- 16-Camp_Onterora-2004.jpg
- 17-Camp-Trexler-2005.jpg
- 18-Yawgoog-2006.jpg
- 19-Camp_Barton-2007.jpg
- 20-TREASURE-ISLAND-2008.jpg
- 21-Camp-Trexler-2009-2.JPG
- 21-Camp-Trexler-2009.JPG
- 23.jpg
- 26-summer-camp-2010.jpg
- 27-2011-sequassen-3.jpg
- 27-2011-sequassenbs.jpg
- 2012-summer-Camp-Barton.jpg
- barton-2012.jpg
- Barton.jpg
- Eagle-Scout-Patch.gif
- IMG_1004-385x383.jpg
- IMG_1004.jpg
- Troop_Picture2.JPG
- camp_barton.jpg
- camp_barton_2007_030.jpg
- camp_barton_2007_078.jpg
- camp_barton_2007_084.jpg
- Troop Photos
- Maps
- barton-map-camp_1000.jpg
- barton-map-camp_site.jpg
- barton-site-map-2.jpg
- Camp-Sayre-Map.jpg
- Camp_Wakpominee_2_Map.jpg
- Camp_Wakpominee_Map.jpg
- Camp_Wakpominee_Map.pdf
- Keowa-Map (2).pdf
- Keowa-Map.jpg
- Keowa-Map.pdf
- Map_Camp_Baiting_Hollow.pdf
- map_camp_barton.pdf
- Map_treasure_island_Troop.jpg
- Resica_Falls_Scout_Reservation_map.jpg
- Resica_Falls_Scout_Reservation_map.pdf
- Sequassen_Map.pdf
- Trexler-troop-map.pdf
- Permission Slips
- Summer Camps
- 2015_Trexler_LeadersGuide.pdf
- barton.pdf
- Barton.pptx
- Camp_Barton_2012_Summer_Camp_Programs.pdf
- RecentPlaces.lnk
- Troop 125 Summer Camp Cellphone Policy.docx
- Troop 125 Summer Camp Cellphone Policy.pdf
- Troop 125 Summer Camp Rifle and Shotgun Authorization Form.docx
- Troop Trips
- Big Trips
- Campouts
- 2008_2009
- Cedar Point 4_26
- Cedar Point 4-25-09.pdf
- Cedar Point 4-25-09.xls
- Cedar Point 4-25-09a.pdf
- Cedar Point 4-25-09b.pdf
- Cedar Point 4-25-09c.pdf
- Cedar Pointt Trip -4-24- 09 Parental Consent Form.doc
- County Parks Application Cedar Point.pdf
- Microsoft Word - Cedar Pointt Trip -4-24- 09 Parental Consent Form.pdf
- Tour permit2009 Cedar Point.pdf
- Tour Permit approved cedar point.pdf
- Holiday in the Woods
- Intrepid
- Intrepi 4-28-09.xls
- Intrepid 2-28-09 Parental Consent Form.doc
- Intrepid Roster 4-28-09.pdf
- Operation Slumber.pdf
- Profile Sheet - Group.pdf
- RESERVATION February 28 2009 aboard the Intrepid.msg
- Tour permit Intrepid.pdf
- Troop 125 - Bob Kowalski (C) 280209.pdf
- Troop 125 - Bob Kowalski (C) FINAL 280209.pdf
- Troop 125 - Bob Kowalski (I) 280209.pdf
- Troop 125 - Bob Kowalski (I) FINAL 280209.pdf
- UPDATED RESERVATION February 28 2009 aboard the Intrepid.msg
- New Scout Trip
- Polar bear
- Schiff Cabin
- Sears Bellows 6_6
- Strides Walk
- Summer camp
- 0556_001.pdf
- 2008LeadersGuide[1].pdf
- 2009 Settlers Unit Reservation Form.doc
- BoyScouts_CampBroch2008[1].pdf
- Camp meeting Letter .pdf
- Cope applications filled in.pdf
- COPE Info.pdf
- img006.JPG
- img007.JPG
- Merit badge list.pdf
- Microsoft Word - Rifle and Shotgun Parental Consent Form.pdf
- Rifle and Shotgun Parental Consent Form.doc
- Rifle and Shotgun Parental Consent Form.pdf
- roster 5 19 09.pdf
- Routine Drug Administration Form.pdf
- SettlersLeadersGuide2009.pdf
- sSettlersMap[1].pdf
- Summer Camp Commitment Form 2009.doc
- Summer Camp Commitment Form 2009.pdf
- Troop Picture.JPG
- Webelos woods
- 2008 Schedule.doc
- Additional Rules 2008.doc
- Microsoft Word - Webelos Woods -10 24 08 Parental Consent Form.pdf
- Troop 125 Webelos Woods 10-24-08.pdf
- Troop Registration 2008.pdf
- Webelos Woods -10 24 08 Parental Consent Form.doc
- Webelos Woods 10-24-08 District Roster.xls
- Webelos Woods 10-24-08 District Roster clean.xls
- Webelos Woods 10-24-08.mdi
- Webelos Woods 10-24-08.xls
- Whitewater Rafting
- Cella _driver.PDF
- driver passenger name list.xls
- Microsoft Word - Whitewater 4-3- 09 Parental Consent Form.pdf
- P4040013.JPG
- P4040025.JPG
- Tour permit2009 Whitewater.pdf
- Whitewater 4-3- 09 Parental Consent Form.doc
- Whitewater 4-3-09.apdf.pdf
- Whitewater 4-3-09.pdf
- Whitewater 4-3-09.xls
- Whitewater 4-3-09a.pdf
- Whitewater Chalengers Invioce.pdf
- Whitewater Chalengers Packet.pdf
- Whitewater Directions.pdf
- Whitewater Rafting 4_4_09.JPG
- Whitewater Waiver Form.pdf
- iorienteering.wavier.pdf
- TLT.ppt
- Tour permit2008 plc in.pdf
- Trips Survey.doc
- Cedar Point 4_26
- 2009-2010
- 2010_2011
- 2011-2012
- 2013_Bashore_Reservation_Form.pdf
- Bayshore 2012 leaders guide.pdf
- knot-club[1].pdf
- P&J Sign up.xls
- P&J Sign up1.pdf
- P&J Sign up2.pdf
- pb&
- Troop%20Registration%202012.pdf
- troop 125 planning meeting 2011-2012.docx
- Troop 125 Program Planning 2012.ppt
- Troop 125 Program Planning 2012_2013.ppt
- Troop Calander 8_1_11.pdf
- Troop Calendar 8_26_11.pdf
- 2012-2013
- Baiting Hollow 12_1_07
- Camporee
- Camporee Roste 10_12_07r.xls
- cc-Additional Registration Info Form.doc
- cc-Medical Form.doc
- cc-MemorabiliaOrderForm.doc
- cc-Pack,Crew,%20Post%20Roster%20Form.pdf
- cc-Stations Pre-Requisites Information.doc
- cc-Troop%20Roster%20Form-4.pdf
- cc-Troops, Crews, & Webelos Registration Procedure.doc
- cc-Unit%20Reservation%20Form-4.pdf
- Health_and_Safety_Guide.doc
- Roster.xls
- Cedar Point 9_15_07
- Holiday in Woods
- SearBellows 1_19-1_20
- Stump Pond Hike 3_1_2008
- Summer Camp 08
- 2008 LeadersGuide.pdf
- 2008 Summer Camp Information.pdf
- Answers to Questions about Treasure Island from PLC.doc
- Balance.doc
- DocDownload.pdf
- Indinidual deposits.doc
- Microsoft Word - Rifle and Shotgun Parental Consent Form.pdf
- Rifle and Shotgun Parental Consent Form.doc
- Summer Camp 08missing forms.pdf
- Summer Camp 08_Missing Forms.pdf
- Summer Camp 08_Update 1.pdf
- Summer Camp 08_Update 1.xls
- Summer Camp 08_Update 2.xls
- Summer Camp 08_Update 7_11_08.pdf
- Summer Camp carpool.pdf
- Summer Camp Commitment Form.doc
- Summer Camp Commitment Form.pdf
- ti.pdf
- Treasure Island Release of Camper Form.doc
- Troop 125 Summer camp Roster.pdf
- Venture Patrol
- West Hills 1_19_08
- Whitewater
- Cassano driver passenger name list .xls
- driverpassengernamelist venise.xls
- Glass driver passenger name list .xls
- Kowalski driver passenger name list.xls
- Ryan driver passenger name list.xls
- Vrana driver passenger name list.xls
- Whitewater 5-9-08 Parental Consent Form.doc
- Whitewater 5-9-08 Parental Consent Form.pdf
- Whitewater 5_9_08.xls
- Whitewater 5_9_08_Update 1.xls
- Whitewater 5_9_08_Update 2.xls
- Whitewater 5_9_08_Update 3.pdf
- Whitewater 5_9_08_Update 3.xls
- Zambito driver passenger name list.xls
- 2008_2009
- Day Trips
- 2013-04-Southaven_Camporee.pdf
- 2013-05-Nissequogue_River_Canoe_Trip.pdf
- 2014-02-01 Island_Rock.pdf
- 20131012-GreenbeltTrail.pdf
- bike-trip-Orient-Point.jpg
- ceader-point-bike.jpg
- muttontown_perm.pdf
- Nathan-Hale-map.pdf
- NYC_TRIP_2-15-14.pdf
- Rocky-point-bike-map-troop-125-1079x838.jpg
- Rocky-Pt-Bike-Map.jpg
- Rocky-Pt-Bike-Map.pdf
- sears.jpg
- Stillwell-Woods-Map.pdf
- Stillwell-Woods-Park.pdf
- Suffolk-County-Community-College-Map.pdf
- west_point_map.pdf
- New Scout
- Trails
- Outings_for_Scouting_bookfold_format.pdf
- Outings_for_Scouting_fullpage_format.pdf
- where to go.pdf
- Vision
- YouthProtection
- .ftpquota