Holiday in the Woods

On November 23rd Boy Scout Troop 125 of Commack went to West Hills County Park for the annual Thanksgiving celebration with their troop family. During the day Troop 125 Scouts taught visiting Webelos from Packs 403, 329 and 406 scout skills like lashings, orienteering, first aid and team building activities.

Monkey Bridge

Then the scouts and the Webelos went on a nature hike with a fun obstacle course in the middle.

Going on a nature hike

The parents relaxed and socialized by the big fire pit.

Parents relaxing by the fire pit

In the late afternoon the scout patrols made deserts like dump cakes and cookies in dutch ovens. Some of the parents cooked turkey and ham in metal garbage cans and baked potatoes on a charcoal grill.

Trash Can Turkeys

A few scout patrols made the side dishes such as corn, stuffing and gravy.

Patrol cooking stuffing, corn, and gravy

At 5pm everyone was invited into the S-shelter building and had a great Thanksgiving dinner along with the desserts the scouts made.

Dinner is served!
Troop 125 Holiday in the Woods Thanksgiving dinner and dessert
Troop 125 Holiday in the Woods dinner

After dinner and dessert the scouts took out the dining tables and rearranged the chairs for the audience to watch the skits that the scouts performed. The scouts also broke down and packed up the outdoor car ports before it rained for the rest of the night. Finally, the day ended with the scouts watching a movie and sleeping over inside the shelter.

Written by Chris M.

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