On the 3rd to 5th of May 2019 Suffolk County NY celebrated their 100th year of scouting. That weekend all the troops and packs in Suffolk County went to Southaven County Park to camp out. The first night we went on a bus and went to one of the must fun carnivals I have ever been to.
The second day of camping there were many fun games set up like frisbee, bow and arrow, monkey bridge, pioneering, orienteering, bike trails and more. There were water activities like canoes and kayaks. Then in the afternoon we went to go watch some live acts like a magic show and a music band.
Finally to finish off the 100th Anniversary Camporee there was an amazing light show with music at night that lasted for about 20 minutes and then there was a Scouts Got Talent show. It was a really fun weekend, despite the rainy weather.
Written by Chris M.