On April 6th & 7th 2019 Troop 125 went to Blydenburgh County Park for the New Scout Campout. In total 42 scouts attended including 17 brand new scouts who crossed over to Troop 125 this year. It’s important for new scouts to attended this spring campout with the troop so they get to know the scouts and leaders and basic camping foundations. They also learn the skills to earn their Totin’ Chip.

This campout is very important for rank advancement. New scouts at the campout do activities taught by the older scouts to help them advance to the Scout rank, and the older scouts can complete the requirements for teaching using the EDGE method. When the scouts weren’t getting requirements signed off, we were playing many fun games like capture the flag.

With all this interaction older and newer scouts were able to make good connections with each other. After all the learning was done and the sun was starting to set, we started skits by the campfire that everyone enjoyed.

Written by Chris M.