2019 Ski Trip

On Friday February 16, 2019, Troop 125 ventured into one of my favorite trips that I have ever been on. After the 3 hour drive up to Camp Minsi in Pennsylvania, we got set up and then went to bed. In the morning we ate breakfast and headed out to the Shawnee Mountain Ski Area.

This mountain was a very good beginner mountain for all the first- and second-time skiers and snow boarders. Before and after lunch some scouts had lessons on skiing or snowboarding, which was very helpful to some of the newer scouts, including myself, to help them out. A couple of the scouts worked on the requirements for the Snow Sports merit badge with the more experienced skiing and snowboarding scouts. The scouts ate lunch and had a great dinner at the restaurant in the lodge.

After that, we went night skiing which was very fun with all the lights on and not as many people on the slopes. Next, we drove back to the camp site and fell asleep. Finally, we woke up the next day and we ate breakfast and headed home. Even though everyone’s everything hurt after Skiing and snowboarding, it was an overall great trip.

Written by Chris M.

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