2014 |
Cyber Chip information |
Congratulations to troop 125's newest O.A Members photo |
City Kids Reunite with Host Families in Commack - an article in the commack patch featuring one of our own - the Desmond family |
2013 |
Eagle Car Wash Weekend
Our P.L.C met and planed out the upcoming year. View the events page to see what we have in store. |
Another successful summer camp, Photos and information here |
City Kids Reunite with Host Families in Commack - an article in the commack patch featuring one of our own - the Desmond family |
Congratulations to the Smithtown Yacht Club for another great Soldiers on the Sound event. A big thanks also for letting us use their beach. |
The troop was honored by the Town of Huntington.See here for more information. |
2012 |
Cub Scout Pack 329 thank you letter
June 21, 2012 Dear Troop Master & Troop 125, Our entire Cub Scout Pack 329 would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of you for your ongoing support and guidance you have shown to us during this past year. We have made many enhancements and improvements throughout this past year, and without your encouragement, assistance and involvement our pack would not be what it is today. Thank you for everything you have done, from taking time out of a Friday night to attend our pack nights, helping out with our Blue and Gold dinners, conducting our uniform inspection requirement, helping out so much with our Pinewood derby in January, demonstrating the leadership skills and excitement that all of the Boy Scouts as well as all the Troop Leaders show to our Cub Scouts, which in turn encourages them to continue on with the Boys Scouts of America program and also being there to light our camp fires and entertain our scouts with your skits. Assisting us in a way that is either big or small, whatever it may be is truly appreciated by all of us in Pack 329. In May we held our first ever Pack 329 camp out at Blydenburgh Park, we would like at this time like to extend an extra special thank you to the following Boy Scouts, Josh I., Ryan M. and Jake S. for their time and assistance they gave to us during the camp out. It was great seeing them interact with our scouts. With the three of them our camp out would not have been as successful and would not have run as smoothly as it did. Again, thank you so much for everything you do for us, and we would love to extend our help to your troop if at all possible in the future if you need any. We are looking forward to many great years together as a pack and with your continued guidance we will be stronger and stronger throughout the years to come. Sincerely; |
2011 |
Leaders of Commack's Troop 125 jumped into Long Island Sound to reward scouts' St. Baldrick's fundraising efforts. More
Leaders of Commack's Troop 125 jumped into Long Island Sound to reward scouts' St. Baldrick's fundraising efforts. Just before sunset, Boy Scout Troop 125 gathered on the boardwalk of Sunken Meadow State Park at 6 p.m. Tuesday to watch their leaders brave the cold March winds to take a dip in the frigid waters of the Long Island Sound. Scoutmaster Bob Kowalski and Assistant Scoutmasters Ken Voigt and Charlie Zambito wasted no time, as they quickly ran across the beach and plunged into the icy Sound—still clad in the Scout uniforms. The polar dip was not a punishment for the scoutmasters, but rather a reward for the scouts, who surpassed their fundraising goal of $750 for the St. Baldrick's fundraiser at Changing Times Ale House in East Northport March 13. Although the scouts were originally promised a spaghetti dinner if they met their goal, the stakes were raised once they managed to accrue $2,495 for the St. Baldrick's foundation. The troop, which meets every Tuesday night at United Methodist Church in Commack, is comprised of members from the Commack, Dix Hills, East Northport, Kings Park and Smithtown communities. After the polar plunge, the scoutmasters left as quickly as they came to warm up and change into dry clothes to join the rest of the troop at their dinner. Donations in the name of Troop 125 will continue to be accepted through December 2011. Visit St. Baldrick's site to contribute. Read the Commack Patch Article |
Other |
See the story of one scout during huricane Sandy from national. |
9-11 Never Forget video |
Portrait of a warrior video |